cultivate self-awareness

Set aside 45 mins to go through this practice at a leisurely pace

We come to this planet with a brain as unique as our fingerprint, and many reasons for being here.

But because of our conditioning, we lose sight of why weā€™re here and what our superpowers are. Letā€™s get you back in touch with what makes you, you.

Journal Prompts

Letā€™s start by exploring who you were before others told you who to be. Answer the following, focusing on ages 0-8 years old.

  • Think about what you know of your birth story. What might that tell you about the person you came to this planet as? Did you arrive fast, or did you take your time? Did you have a brush with death? Write whatever you can infer about your transfer from beyond the veil to the planet.

  • What is your earliest memory? Good or bad, this tells us a lot about your earliest beliefs.

  • What movies and shows did you absolutely love as a kid?

  • What kind of games did you like to play? In make believe, what characters did you choose to play as?

  • Did you have any fears or worries that were uncommon for children?

  • What books did you love?

  • What characters in the books and tv shows and movies did you love most?

  • What did you love in secret? The things that were passions you were only willing to explore privately or behind closed doors

  • Were there any adults in your life you resonated with? Favorite cousins, teachers, etc?

  • What did you daydream about the most when you were growing up?

  • Are there any unfulfilled desires you never were able to experience when you were younger?

  • What did you like to do with your free time in early childhood?

  • Was there anything you can remember that brought you the most peace or joy?

  • What ways did you express your feelings or needs without knowing what you were doing?

  • What situations ilicited the strongest reactions for you in childhood? Animal harm, being copied, being ignored, etc.

Listen to the authentic self guided meditation.

When you finish the meditation, journal on what you found, then answer the questions below.

What did you see as a color or texture that represents your authentic self?

What did you experience 1 year into the future?

5 years into the future?

At the end of your life?

What else came up? Was there anything you were surprised by?

Knowing what you know about your parents and your origin story, what reasons might your soul have for choosing the beginning that you did? Itā€™s okay to not have clarity on this yet, or if this is too difficult to see yet.

From this information, we can infer what your soul and authentic self are calling in. Go ahead and list out what is believable in the next 12 months.

Once you have clarity on your authentic desires, itā€™s time to move into unblocking the beliefs and experiences standing in your way.

After completing the meditation, journal on these questions

Self-awareness involves understanding yourself and evaluating whether your thoughts and actions align with your values. It allows you to see yourself objectively and recognize how others perceive you, but it's not always comfortable. Becoming more self-aware requires curiosity and a willingness to confront difficult truths about yourself, including areas where your ego may have been protecting you from seeing your flaws. The more you invest in getting to know yourself, the more you'll uncover, even when those insights challenge your self-image.

Monthly Check In: Answer the 10 questions below

  • 1. What do I enjoy doing the most, and why?

  • 2. What are the top 3 priorities in my life right now?

  • 3. Where do I feel safest? with whom?

  • 4. What do I want to experience less of?

  • 5. What situations activate my body the most? Either with fear, rage, shame, etc.

  • 6. What do I want to experience more of?

  • 7. What triggering patterns seem to keep repeating in my relationships with others?

  • 8. How would I spend my time if there were truly no restrictions?

  • 9. What repeating patterns have been showing up in my life lately? Can i link them to something i'm consciously or subconsciously calling in?

  • 10. When do I feel like Iā€™m being my true self?

Our goal in this practice is always the same: Getting to know ourselves intimately, just like we would with any other relationship. How can I love myself deeper, so that I receive the same from others?

And the answer is always the same: See our value. Know our worth. And practice deeper and deeper self-acceptance.

Ready to peel back the layers standing between you & your authentic self?

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