Use this exercise to get in touch with your neural signature, understand your purpose, and begin the process of unlearning conditioning to step into your must authentic self.

Listen to the neural signature meditation track.

This is best performed in a quiet place, where you won’t be disturbed. Alternatively, if you find you fall asleep or struggle to maintain focus, you can take this exercise on a gentle walk.

When you’re done, come back up and journal on what you witnessed.


  • This is not hypnosis in the way you think of it, like performers on stage. This type of hypnosis is based in therapeutic practices, EMDR, self-healing modalities, and is more like a visual meditation.All hypnosis is self-hypnosis, because there is never a point where you are not in control. Whenever you want to, you. can stop the experience.

  • That means you probably are carrying a maximum capacity of emotion and your body simply needs a relase (aka there’s a block wanting to come up). The best thing to do is join the Unlearning Academy and keep committing to this work.

And when you’re ready,

begin the journey of clearing the blocks standing in the way of emotional freedom.

Click below to explore The Unlearning Academy